Not yet ready to raise your family? We can help.
Vitrification technique is the method of choice in embryo and oocyte freezing because it allows very high survival, greater than 90%, by preventing ice crystal formation that is detrimental to eggs and embryos.
Embryo freezing is used in certain instances including:
1. fertility preservation when couples are not yet ready to have a family.
2. patients undergoing PGD cycles since results of genetic tests could take several days.
3. patients that produce a large number of eggs and are in danger of ovarian hyperstimulation.
4. patients that have extra good quality embryos after embryo transfer.
5. patients whose uterus are not ready or not in ideal condition for embryo transfer.
According to the 2017 SART statistics, women below the age of 35 have a 40% chance of having a baby. Chances are at 32% for those between 35-37, 22% for 38-40, 11% for 41-42, and 4% for women above the age of 42. Based on this data, women that are close to being 37 could benefit from elective embryo freezing.
Elective embryo freezing is a means of preserving a patient's fertility. It allows young couples a lot of flexibility in their lives such as:
a. advancing their careers without worrying about the dreaded "biological clock" running out.
b. traveling to exotic places without wondering whether the kids are ok.
c. getting into a stable financial situation in order to be able to support raising children.