Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is the method of choice for assisted fertilization in IVF cycles. It involves the use of micromanipulators and very fine glass needles that are used to pick up a single sperm cell and inject it inside a mature egg.
ICSI is labor intensive and requires highly skilled embryologists. ICSI is the method of choice in fertilizing eggs from male-factor patients such as low sperm count, low motility, poor morphology or sperm samples recovered from testicular biopsy. ICSI is also used for patients with history of failed fertilization from conventional IVF, and is recommended for those undergoing genetic testing of their embryos.
ICSI often results in higher rate of fertilization compared to conventional IVF insemination and this is usually the reason why some IVF centers use ICSI for almost all of their cases especially those that produce very few eggs.
We have made modifications when we perform ICSI to minimize the stress on your eggs and to increase the likelihood of fertilization.