Eggs come in all shapes, sizes, and degrees of maturation. The maturation stages of eggs go from the "immature" germinal vesicle (GV), to "intermediate" metaphase I (M1), and finally to the "mature" or "ripe" metaphase II (M2) stage. Eggs that are M2, M1, or GV are considered viable eggs because they all have the potential to develop into embryos. Atretic eggs, those with broken or empty zona, degenerated eggs, parthenogenetic, giant eggs, and other abnormal-looking eggs are considered non-viable.

We believe that, since you are preserving your eggs for future use - like in 5 to 10 years from now, the technology may have improved by then such that your other viable eggs (M1 and GV stage eggs) which are usually not frozen by other fertility clinics, may have a better chance of producing a pregnancy.

Don't let it go to waste, save those eggs, and save your future you.